5: anxiety top tips
5: Acknowledge FIVE things you see around you. Maybe it is a cup, maybe it is chair, is it a spot on the floor, however big or small, state 5 things you see.
4: Acknowledge FOUR things you can physically touch around you. Maybe this is your hair, hands, ground, grass, pillow, etc, whatever it may be, list out the 4 things you can feel.
3: Acknowledge THREE things you hear. This needs to be external, do not focus on your thoughts; maybe you can hear a clock, a car, a dog park. internal noises that make external sounds can count, what is audible in the moment is what you list.
2: Acknowledge TWO things you can smell: This one might be hard if you are not in a stimulating environment, if you cannot automatically sniff something out, walk nearby to find a scent. Maybe you walk to your bathroom to smell soap or outside to smell anything in nature. Whatever it may be.
1. Acknowledge ONE thing you can taste. What does the inside of your mouth taste like, spit, water, coffee/tea, or anything from lunch? Focus on your mouth as the last step and take in what you can taste.
These five steps are a way to ground yourself in the here and now! Take you out of your head and help stop you flooded thoughts. In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy it is believed that your thoughts are directly linked to how you feel and although we feel like we lose control of our thought processes, we have tools that can help us gain back a sense of control and lead to healthier thought patterns. In moments of anxiety or triggered trauma it is important to stay present focused to help find symptom relief. Hopefully this coping technique can help you or someone you know stay present, stay grounded, and stay healthy.